Tips on Keeping Kids Safe From Asbestos In School

Here are a few tips form the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization on how to keep your kids safe from asbestos in their schools:

Understand The Risk

Asbestos is prevalent in our nation’s schools. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) “estimates that there are asbestos-containing materials in most of the nation’s approximately 107,000 primary and secondary schools.” More than one-third of American students (34%) were enrolled in a school with asbestos-containing material that could easily crumble. Exposures of asbestos in schools are expected to increase as school buildings age.

Also, know that asbestos has not been banned in the U.S., and without a ban, asbestos-contaminated products find their way onto store shelves far too often. Chillingly, many of these toxic products are meant for kids, from toys and crayons to play makeup. Be wary of what your kids are playing with – both at school and at home – especially products made in China, where asbestos is still mined and heavily used in manufacturing.

Know The Rules And Your Rights

Public and non-profit private schools are required by federal law to protect school children and school employees from asbestos exposure under a law called the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA).

Unfortunately, despite the law, our school children, teachers, and staff remain at risk, in large part due to lack of awareness and poor enforcement. Sen. Barbara Boxer and Sen. Edward Markey asked each state for information on asbestos in schools to survey compliance with AHERA standards. The responses indicated serious failures by the federal government and a vast majority of states to sufficiently protect students, teachers, and staff.

Ask your school administrators, district officials, and school board what steps they have taken. You have to be a squeaky wheel. If you do not get direct and concrete answers, keep asking. You have a right to this information, and your children have a right to protection.

Spread The Word And Organize

The EPA issued “The ABCs Of Asbestos In Schools” to help parents and teachers. Print this out and share it with your school administrators and other parents.

If your school has a PTA or other sort of parents’ group, consider raising this issue with them. Few among us have the time to fully address such a complex, obscure issue on our own, but as a team, we can develop a manageable action plan. Strength in numbers is especially important when protecting our kids requires us to stand up to authority.”

This information may seem daunting, but asbestos-caused diseases are 100% preventable. Together with the proper tools, we can minimize our children’s risk of asbestos exposure.

Next Steps

With awareness, education, and collaborative action, we can take charge of this issue and better protect our families. So contact your school administrator today and see what you can do to make sure our future generation is safe! If you’d like more information, reach out to our office!

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